Talks this year are 15 minutes with 3 minutes for questions / switch over.
- 0845 – 900: Opening
- 0900 – 10:30 – Preferences in Matching, Markets, and Games – Chair Xudong Liu
- The Price to Pay for Forgoing Normalization in Fair Division of Indivisible Goods. Pascal Lange, Nhan-Tam Nguyen and Jörg Rothe.
- Multi-sided Advertising Markets: Dynamic Mechanisms and Incremental User Compensations. Moran Feldman, Rica Gonen and Gonen Frim.
- AUPCR Maximizing Matchings: Towards a Pragmatic Notion of Optimality for One-Sided Preference Matchings. Girish Raguvir J, Rahul Ramesh, Sachin Sridhar and Vignesh Manoharan.
- Top-Trading-Cycles Mechanisms with Acceptable Bundles. Sujoy Sikdar, Sibel Adali and Lirong Xia.
- Super Altruistic Hedonic Games. Jacob Schlueter and Judy Goldsmith.
- 1030 – 1100: Coffee Break
- 1100 – 1120: Applications – Chair Nicholas Mattei
- Deconfliction of Spacecraft Communication Schedules with Preference Optimization. John Bresina, Matthew Dortenzio, Paul Morris and Kristen Brent Venable.
- 1130 – 1230: Panel – The Future of Preference Research – Chair Brent Venable and Nicholas Mattei
- John Bresina, NASA Ames
- Judy Goldsmith, University of Kentucky
- Jörg Rothe, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
- Xudong Liu, University of North Florida
- 1230 – 1400: Lunch Break
- 1400 – 1530: Voting & Preferences – Chair Haris Aziz
- Sub-committee Approval Voting and Generalised Justified Representation Axioms. Haris Aziz and Barton Lee.
- CloudVoting: Analyzing Preferences using Spark and GraphX. Julia Theresa Csar.
- An Axiomatic Characterization of the Borda Mean Rule. Florian Brandl and Dominik Peters.
- Completing the Puzzle: Solving Open Problems for Control in Elections. Gabor Erdelyi, Christian Reger and Yongjie Yang.
- On Recognising Nearly Single-Crossing Preferences. Florian Jaeckle, Dominik Peters and Edith Elkind.
- 1530 – 1600: Coffee Break
- 1600 – 1730: Preference Models, Reasoning, and Learning – Chair Judy Goldsmith.
- Preference Learning and Optimization for Partial Lexicographic Preference Forests over Combinatorial Domains. Xudong Liu and Miroslaw Truszczynski.
- A Notion of Distance Between CP-nets. Andrea Loreggia, Nicholas Mattei, Francesca Rossi and Kristen Brent Venable.
- Facility Location with Variable and Dynamic Populations. Yuho Wada, Tomohiro Ono, Taiki Todo and Makoto Yokoo.
- Decision Making Over Combinatorially-Structured Domains. Andrea Martin and K. Brent Venable.
- On Extensibility and Personalizability of Multi-Modal Trip Planning. Xudong Liu, Christian Fritz and Matthew Klenk.
- 1730: Closing